Good flavor, bad texture

Trader Joe’s does many things well, but cheese blintzes is not one of them. These little crepes are sold frozen and meant to be warmed in a skillet or an oven, though I used the air fryer instead – which worked pretty well.
The crepes themselves were slightly sweet, soft and elastic, and I liked them. The problem was the cheese filling. They use a combo of farmer’s cheese and cottage cheese which tastes fine, but has an annoying, gritty texture. Both my husband and I hated it. The cheese is lightly sweetened, so you don’t need to add anything to them, but this actually bothered my husband, who would have preferred them less sweet. We wouldn’t order them again.
The blintzes are around 6″ long, they have 105 calories each, with 16g of carbs and 6g of sugar, all added. The box of 6 blintzes sells for $4.50. The package doesn’t indicate where they’re made, so I assume it’s in the US.
Totally disagree with you.
I love the texture inside and out.
I buy these routinely.
I rinse them In cold water to eliminate the freezer burn. I then defrost them a bit in the microwave. I fry them gently.
Unfortunately, today at Trader Joe’s I was told they have discontinued these
If you didn’t like it, then maybe you didn’t cook it right or it just didn’t taste good to you. You’re writing about subjective feelings. My wife and I really like Cheese blintzes. They’re the best thing in Trader Joe’s stores for us.
If you put a little butter to coat the pan, place in pan when butter is hot, turn when lightly browned then turn to the other side till lightly brown, it would be perfect. Add slices bananas, strawberries, kiwi or add them all. It’s delicious! Perfect for breakfast or anytime.
Thanks to people like you those lunches, which we love have been discontinued!
Let’s try this again because of people like you Trader Joe’s has discontinued frozen blintzes .
Yeah, if an item doesn’t sell, it’s going to be discontinued.
I don’t know where you leave, but it was selling very fast. Huge disappointment that Trader Joe keeps forgetting what word ‘trader’ means.
Cheese blintzes should be made with smooth cream cheese not chunky cottage cheese like the trader Joe ones which are now discontinued . I prefer other brands with smooth cream cheese texture available almost large supermarkets Google it.
Unfortunately, Trader Joe changed through the years so much, fitting to American ‘taste’ and forgetting what means to be a trader.
I wholeheartedly disagree These blintzes are delicious yes made with farmer cheese like they should be I love them
Sadly, I was told these delightful pillows of cream cheese have been discontinued.