A Kalimantan Culinary Adventure

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Kalimantan is the Indonesian name for the island of Borneo, and outside Indonesia refers to the three quarters of the Island which belong to Indonesia. It's home to a dozen major ethnic groups and a myriad of minor ones. Its cuisine falls within the broader Indonesian-Malaysian culinary spectrum, but there are obvious specialties in different regions and communities. While Kalimantan cuisine is not a unified cuisine, I decided to cook it as Indonesian food is very good and I don't think I'd be able to explore every different cuisine that exists in the island.

I made several dishes from different parts of the Kalimantan. Unfortunately, they weren't my most successful ones, but they were fun to make.

Related cuisines I've explored so far: Ambonese, Balinese, Bruneian, Dayak, Indonesian, Jakartan, Javanese, Kalimantan, Kelantanese.

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